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If you have a question about our community or want to schedule an appointment, leave us your contact info and we'll get back to you soon! Or, call/text us at the above phone number!

For warranty-related questions, please call 844-959-0103 or click here to learn more about our warranty program.
“We visited Bridgewater about two years ago as the development was getting started.““We fell in love in the Shorebreak model when we first visited Bridgewater.  We recently picked out our lot via Facetime with friends while we were still in New Hampshire.  From the lot selection to choosin...
Pam & Pete Hutchins Bridgewater Residents - The Cottages
“I’m excited about hanging with our neighbors…. there’s so many great people moving in here!”
James and Selma Martinette Bridgewater Residents - The Cottages
“We like when our friends or new neighbors come over and when we open the front door and they go wow!”
Glen & Teresa Martin Bridgewater Residents - The Cottages